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I've separated out my galleries by stages in my life. I feel that each stage in my life enabled me to have different shooting styles. 


Thanks for taking the time to look at my landscape shots. This is how I truly fell in love with photography, so it means a lot when people view my work.  

Hey there!

My Youth

Oh, to be young again. I miss the days where I could just drop everything & travel across the state to Lake Michigan. 

Filled with the cliché wanderlust to explore. These were the days.

Oh College...

My college experience was anything but normal. I realized pretty quickly that I already knew a lot of what was being taught. I took the extra time to "find myself" or solidify who I already was. 

I dropped the plans for my BFA & went into business...


The Grind.

A seriously productive season of my life. I had gotten my first "big boy" job, while I was working on an ecommerce store, worked at the Kalamazoo Wings in the video department, photographed multiple weddings, seniors, couples. etc... You get the idea. I didn't sleep.



In 2020 my Mother passed. I'm not telling you this to gain sympathy. I feel this was a life defining moment for me. That one event changed how I interact with people. The realization of work/life balance. And my true pursuit of happiness. One day finding my Magnum Opus, until then small steps.

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